
Admob integration in Cocos2d-x v3.4 with plugin-x (Preparing - part 1/3)


Latest LibraryGoogleMobileAdsSdkiOS-6.12.2
Google Play Service
Mediation Support (iOS)AdMob, iAd, InMobi
Google Play Service Support (android)Necessary at Publish/Updating Android app from August 2014
Plugin-x smart banner Bug fix (android)Fixed Source : AdsWrapper.java


1. Setting up the Cocos2d-x Development Environment

Cocos2d-x v3.4
Xcode 5.1 or above
Eclipse Luna Service Release 1a (4.4.1) with ADT&CDT plugin
(Download from https://github.com/neokoala/admob_cocos2dx_3_4)

2. Prepare the Test Project

CocosProjetcs/MyGamecocos new -p com.nowapp.MyGame -l cpp MyGame

3. Unzip admob_cocos2dx_3_4-master.zip and copy/replace to the MyGame project

and the directory looks like this:

Copy and replace HelloWorldScene.cpp,HelloWorldScene.h to Classes folder

Copy and replace plugins/admob folder to MyGame/cocos2d/plugin/plugins folder

Copy and replace protocols/proj.android/src folder to MyGame/cocos2d/plugin/protocols/proj.android folder

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